Sunday, May 30, 2010

iPhone Diaries #133: "full moon at 1:36 am"

Full moon as seen through a screened window, with a digital clock in the foreground. The window frame and the nightstand on which the clock sits on is not visible. Extreme dynamic range that would be nigh impossible for a top-grade DSLR to handle, never mind an iPhone sensor! 1:36 am, May 30th.
(Drank too much coffee and Coke while shooting a wedding...couldn't go to sleep)

iPhone Diaries #132: "see you upstairs"

The Elora Inn, May 29th.

iPhone Diaries #131: "closing time"

Closed for the night, The Elora Inn. May 29th.

iPhone Diaries #130: "jazz"

The Indigo Riff jazz quartet, photographed performing at a wedding at the Elora Inn, Elora. May 29th.

Monday, May 24, 2010

iPhone Diaries #126: "Grand Design"

Even the most sceptical amongst us has to wonder about some sort of grand design. Victoria Day, May 24th.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

iPhone Diaries #125: "Sandra's wedding"

At the bride's house (shot with an iPhone). Arguably, the sexiest women in the West Indies have got to be found in Jamaica. 4:30 pm, May 22nd.

Friday, May 21, 2010

iPhone Diaries #124: "$30.00"

The Parking Enforcement Officer was here. May 21st.

iPhone Diaries #123: "Pushing assets"

Edward Street, May 21st.

iPhone Diaries #122: "Metro at dusk (and about managing expectations)"

I love the idiosyncrasies of the iPhone: a pinhead of a sensor with a puny dynamic range, crammed with a marketeer's dream amount of pixels, a plastic lens (probably 1 element only) that's prone to flare, and a body that's warm and languid to the touch.
I love the images coming out of this lens! It's not about detail, it's about atmosphere; it's not about sharpness, it's about flavour; it's not about resolution, it's about a feeling.
It's about managing expectations...about how to be content and happy...with what you have to work with.
Guelph, May 20th.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

iPhone Diaries #115: "Mary's fire and Nature's art"

The morning sun lighting up Mary's glass creation. May 16th.

Peak-of-the-season for this dandelion, lit up by the same sun that lit up Mary's fire. Macalister Park, May 16th.

The iPhone Diaries - a description

A back-to-basics, less-is-more, photographic project. As photographers, we are inundated (and jaded) by the plethora of digital devices, the latest ones promising (but not delivering the goods) more megapixels and the latest super-ultra-extreme-XLT processor to (potentially) allow everyone to be the best photographer that they could be.

The most popular camera used by Flickr uploaders is the cameraphone (the Canon Rebel Series comes in second). For me, using my cameraphone is an exercise in purging the mind of clutter, as well as in actually shooting on a regular basis, as opposed to "binge" shooting (1600+ clicks on a typical wedding). The limitations imposed by the cameraphone (low resolution, fixed lens, severely reduced dynamic range) forces me to work within these parameters. For example, I have to use my feet to compose the image; I don't have a zoom lens. I am now a slave to how the camera thinks; I can't adjust the exposure to suit my needs. This is the digital Polaroid.

The best camera in the world is the camera that you have with you and that you actually use. The best advise for the "artist" is to practice their craft on a consistent basis. Sketch if you're a painter, sculpt if you're a sculptor, shoot if you're a photographer.

So I leave the 21MP FF Canon with the L lenses at home; I use my iPhone whenever I can.

iPhone Diaries #114: "Live band at a wedding reception"

The 7-piece band, Reflexion, performing at a wedding in Hamilton. Liuna Station, May 15th.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

iPhone Diaries #113: "Demi-gods of soccer"

Pele, Zidane, and Maradona, on the back cover of Vanity Fair, June 2010 in an ad for Louis Vitton.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sandra & Des: an Engagement

From an engagement shoot at Gage Park, Brampton, May 2nd. An overcast, damp and drizzly spring day, lit up by the smiles of, and good vibes from, Sandra and Des!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010