Tuesday, March 11, 2014

iPhone Diaries #673: at the All-You-Can-Eat

Thai Villa in Guelph, March 11th.


  1. I was curious about Magisto, but error message: "Ouch, This video can't be played with your current setup." Unfortunately, the message didn't suggest the correct setup.

    1. I couldn't tell you why your setup isn't playing the clip but I can tell you that Magisto makes me look like a genius in video editing. I shot the clips with my iPhone, dumped (and I mean dumped) all the clips in to Magisto (you'll need a wifi or data connection since all the processing is done away from your phone or comp), chose what I feel is the right music in terms of lyrics and tempo/beat, and that's it. Just follow the instructions. You'll get something but for me, it took a few tries to get something coherent and that I liked.
